Sunday, 14 June 2015

Bluebells, After The Fact

"Young at heart, yet what a start, old before their time, they married young, for love at last, was their only crime"
The Bluebells

I've had the most lazy weekend. It's pretty embarrassing really.

So instead of boring you with what I've (not) been doing, I thought I'd go back a few weeks to when the bluebells were in full bloom at Hillhouse Wood, West Bergholt. It truly is a magical place, which just happens to have pungent wild garlic too.

Apart from the sounds of screechy children (you can tell I'm not ready to have kids, can't you?) it was wonderfully tranquil, with gorgeous smells and sights.

Have you ever been to see wild bluebells?

Monday, 1 June 2015

Simple Potpourri Jar

“A good fragrance is really a powerful cocktail of memories and emotion”
Jeffrey Stepakoff

If you're looking for an easy decor idea that doubles as a beautiful fragrance, how about filling a kitchen jar with goodies? I got this jar from Ikea (it's the KORKEN one) for £2. I then poured in some deep pink decorative stones (a huge tub from B&M costs just £1) to about a quarter of the way, followed by some potpourri, also from Ikea. Et voilĂ !

And I'm sure you've seen this other idea before, but I've placed some LED lights inside an empty Jack Daniels bottle and it's nestled nicely beside my little jar DIY.

I absolutely love decorated windowsills - what have you done with yours?